ink-drawn purple leaves on a pink background

Sleep Massage





a woman and man enjoying a sleep massage



Invest in your sleep

Tossing and turning through the night, plagued by stress and anxiety, can leave you feeling drained and unproductive.

Heaven Above's tailored sleep massages offer a holistic way of getting the sleep you deserve. Through a combination of soft strokes, kneading, and pressure point work, we help to melt away stress hormones like cortisol, promoting a deep sense of relaxation throughout your body and helping you drift off effortlessly.

  • 60 minutes - £70


Say goodbye to insomnia

Schedule your massage today, or find out if it'd be right for you by scheduling a consultation.


Book your Treatment



This tailored massage can significantly improve your overall sleep quality by:

  • Calming the nervous system and quieting the mind, creating a more optimal environment for sleep.
  • Tackling stress and anxiety, helping you to fall asleep faster and experience deeper and more restorative sleep cycles.
  • Loosening tight muscles that make it difficult for you to find a comfortable sleeping position, promoting a sense of physical ease that contributes to a better night's sleep.